October 10, 2019
Invited by our clients in India, Andea Electronics team took half a month business trip to India during September 22nd to October 3rd.
As the biggest and most professional RFID smart cards and technology exhibition in India, we should go there to have a face to face communication with those important RFID products and solution exhibitiors.
RFID is still developing slowly in India, but after communicatino with the exhibitors, we believe RFID will play an important role in "Made in India", not only in RFID production automation, but also the RFID library automation, RFID warehouse management, RFID jewelry management, RFID attendance management to quicked the India's industrialization steps.
After the exhibition, we flied to Ahmedabad - Bangalore - Chennai - Kolkata - New Delhi to provide technical support for their RFID library projects and have a deep exchange with our clients. It is a honor that our products is applied in so many libraries in India and admired by our clients for our quality and service.